Words matter…so speak kind words to yourself

Note to self:

Oh how beautifully you are learning
to embrace the wholeness of who you are.
You are learning to see yourself in a new way.
You are learning to accept the circular nature of your story
and how it’s okay to come back to the same things over and over again.
You are slowly starting to see that even though the future is unknown, this is also true:
in some beautiful and unexpected way, it might end up surprising you.
Because every time, you come back wiser.

With every new season,
you know a little bit more than you knew before.

Through every age and of stage of life,
one inhale and exhale at time, you are finding peace in knowing that even here,
you are allowed to go deeper.
You are allowed to look back with compassion
and look forward with hope,
embracing the wholeness of the story,
no matter what remains unknown.

For years, you have heard the dissonance of the world loud and clear,
and now, you are remembering the music of the world.
You are slowing down
and listening to the melodies that remind you:
even in the rush of things,
there is room to take things slowly.

There is room to embrace the moment for what it is
without worrying about the rushing ahead.
The world will carry on, busy and hurried as ever,
and at the same time, 
you are learning to be the one
who continues to embrace the music.


To the strong one: be gentle with yourself.