Library Collections

Welcome to the collections within the Record Book Library! The way I’ve organized this is inspired by real-life experiences I had in the library as a kid, as well as the concept of the same name that solely exists within a a fictional worldbuilding practice that I’ve been cultivating for many years.

By Topic

On the surface, a lot of the work I share with the world may not look like it is part of a fictional “world,” but in order to make visuatexts, art pieces, collages, and engage with creative writing, I tend to think about “world” they are a part of. As I write and shape my words, various topics and concepts come to life. They start as ideas in made-up places but find their way into becoming real things humans experience and real “topics” humans engage with.

By Date

About this series:

In 2022, I started working on series for each day of the year, inspired by my worldbuilding. In the fictional world of Celestakai that I created, each day is represented as a room. This room is endless, where different moments from various days are collected and remembered. Although in Celestakai, I don't use the January-December calendar, I've translated it from the real-world calendar for this purpose. People with different interests, who want to remember various things they've heard or said, can add these to a collection in a library dedicated to that day. For every day, there exists such a room. This concept was deeply inspired by the real-life joy I felt in libraries as a child, where picking up each book felt like entering a new world. As I moved from shelf to shelf, picking up books, it was like walking into different 'rooms' that contained portals to various worlds. This memory of the library as a safe and wondrous space significantly influences my writing and I hope you can connect with them, too.


This is very much so a work in progress, so you will notice that not all of the dates are filled in yet. The long term goal is that this will be a part of an interactive experience/ computer game I’m working on, but it’s going to take some time to continue to develop this. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy browsing through! Also, I use a similar model for the daily series I share in my Storyteller app each day!











