September 9

I am worthy of the time it takes to heal my heart.

Whatever it is that you are feeling, may there be space to feel it fully. May there be space to keep seeking out room to feel supported and loved where you are, even before things are “fixed” and everything is blooming. And even if that kind of love and support is not something that is easy to find, that does not mean that you are not worthy of it. Breathe deeply, knowing that you are worthy of time and space to do the things that heal your heart, even while you are waiting for new things to bloom.

Notice how even amidst all that isn't growing, notice where the ground is still steady. Notice where there are gaps within the trees and slivers of air between every blade of grass, and let those small things remind you, too, there are spaces and pauses built into the world around you, and these spaces don't mean that nothing is growing. Instead, they are an invitation to just be, in the in-between, and rest and just be.


September 10


September 8