September 11

Whether we are conciously thinking about it or not, we are moving through the day, one breath at a time. One inhale after exhale, we are completing breath cycles as we go.

This may not seem like very much, but in reality, the more we think about it, the more we realize that to be able to breathe is nothing to take for granted. Even before we arrive at the deeper breaths we long to take, may our very next exhales remind us that if nothing else, no matter what happens today, we are breathing and it's significant, even in the moments it doesn't feel that way. We are moving onward through this day, one breath at a time.

So whenever you find yourself lost in a sea of a thosuand things to think about and do, may your next breath remind you that amidst the chaos, there's a constant rhythm, right here. It might be a rhythm so subtle we hardly notice it and, we go hours upon hours without even thinking about it, but in the moments we do find ourselves remembering to breathe, may it become a reminder of how far we have come, even in just moving from one part of the day to the next.

Give your all wherever you can and be present to all you need to do, while also knowing that through it all, you have already started the work of pacing yourself with every breathe that rising up from within you.


September 12


September 10