January 2
May you know that whether or not you can remember all of the details of every moment that shaped you, every experience that taught you, and every day that you lived through, this is still true: through it all, you have continued to carry onward, as you were meant to.
And even though at times you have wrestled with what is and what isn't yours to carry, what to let go of and what to hold on to, where to fly ahead and where to slow down, what remains true through all of it is that, even though in the moment it may have just felt like random moments, what was actually happening was you were learning to create rhythms. You were learning to create rhythms as you navigated through it all, day by day. For rhythms are not just repetitive motions. They are the steady pulses you learn to pay more attention to with time. And with the rhythms you've been creating, you are free to keep finding the kind of cadences that shape the way you have been moving on this journey...
Holding on, letting go.
Encountering fears, embracing courage.
Knowing grief, knowing joy.
Actively waiting, nurturing growth...
As you travel day to day, month to month, in the moment, it may not always seem like very much. However, all along, you have been laying the groundwork for the rhythms you will carry with you toward tomorrow. Slowly but surely, you have been learning where to hold on and let go, and even though it's a process and it takes time, the progress you've already made and the rhythms you've been creating matter more than you know.