January 13

After living through thousands of days in one’s life, a sunrise can be nothing more than a part of a daily routine. This is especially true in times where the sunrise might not be filled with color or ideal weather. However, whether or not you are spending an entire day under a beautiful sky where the sunlight filters through the tree limbs, with its warmth slowly finding you: what’s true is that it is still a continual reminder of new opportunities that exist with the start of a new day. And remember, this can be subtle. Just like the cyclical renewal of the sunrise takes place in the sky in a way that we may not always pay attention, the same is true of the renewal we may experience each day.

Choose a phrase to repeat to yourself:
“Let’s take a different approach today.”
“I’m going to focus on what really matters today.”
“Let’s give this another try.”
“I’m go to see what I can do with what I have today.”
"Who knows what today could bring?”

May each new sunrise be an ever-present reminder of the possibility of renewal.


January 14


January 12