December 6
Out in nature, animals like deer and rabbits create paths through forests and meadows. It might be hard to notice, but these paths are the result of many small steps, taken diligently over time. In their world, there are no quickly paved roads; each path is carefully crafted and evolves gradually. These paths might be less visible to us, yet they hold significant importance in the lives of these animals.
In our lives, sometimes new pathways open up like big highways, clear and expansive. But there are also times when our paths are small, crafted slowly through numerous tiny steps, much like the trails of deer and rabbits in the wild.
When the sky grows dark at night, this may be hard to remember...for small, winding paths in the woods aren't lined with street lights and signage. And yet still, what remains true is each day, we are still traveling through, creating little pathways from one day to the next. Sometimes that little pathway might be nothing more than just shifting from a sense of worry to a sense of curiosity. Sometimes that little pathway might look like feeling a little bit more fearless than we did the day before. But in the same way, many animals can move through the woods in subtle ways and still create pathways, perhaps, we, too can do the same.
May today be one of those days where you embrace the subtleties of the journey, for even they can lead you somewhere new.