Smallness does not equal insignificance
Smallness does not equal insignificance. The little things you do matter, too.
And the small ways you are learning to be present here matter more than you know.
And, even by taking a single breath in this space, you are making progress.
Even the way you are learning to move through each day
is worth acknowledging.
Being present in this space takes courage.
Be kind to yourself here.
Be gentle with yourself as you move through this space.
Yes, there are mountains ahead, and there are mountains behind, and mountains you have won to come so far, all grace and grace has been given to you.
The goals you have yet to reach don't take away from progress already made.
And however you can,
pace yourself…
for needing to pause
and slow down
doesn’t take away
from your growth.
Allow the echoes of your own forward movement and the beat of your own heart become reminders of how you’ve been learning to make progress at a mindful pace. MHN