September 4

Sometimes in life, entering a new space looks like moving to a new place or being around different people. However, sometimes we can enter into new spaces by trying new things. We can enter new spaces by saying, “This season right here will be the space where I learn to breathe. This will be the space where courage awakens and I come alive more than ever before.”

Of course, being in a new space doesn’t mean everything is going to change overnight, nor does it mean ignoring everything else. However, just like there could be this one small space within a park that brings you delight, or this one small space in one particular room that has a bookshelf or tea kettle you always find your way to, you are also allowed to create spaces within the day or the year itself, where you can say:

“This space right here—is where I am choosing to breathe. This is where I am choosing to be more of who I am and explore what courage is teaching me.”


September 5


September 3