September 25

Words to remember if you’ve ever found yourself comparing yourself to others:

The words we use when measuring ourselves against others can leave a lasting impression. We might sometimes catch ourselves uttering doubtful words like this...

Comparison Statements:

"I'm nowhere as good at this as they are, so why even try?"
"I'm missing something essential, and that's why I can't succeed."
"I'm too late to have something good like this happen for me."
"I'm not as good as they are, so I'll never reach that level."
"I'm falling short of the mark, and it feels like I'll never catch up."

But keep in mind, if these discouraging statements come to mind, other more uplifting phrases also exist. Here are some "inspiration expressions" to carry with you in times you find the kind of things that inspire you without the comparison.

No matter how small these moments over or how infrequent, let yourself hold on to them. Let them become seeds that you can water and watch grow.

Inspiration Expression:

"I'm so glad I found this. It sparks my creativity."
"This is exciting. It makes me want to join in."
"This is fun. I'm having a good time."
"That was enlightening. It contributes to my understanding."
"This is thoughtful. It makes me think differently."
"That's curious. It makes me want to know more."

When it comes to this second list, may you know that there is no pressure if you don’t feel all of that at once, every day. But if you happen to notice even the smallest thing that you found enjoyable or interesting that didn't make you feel the need to compare yourself to, let that be a moment of celebration. Keep noticing what is meaningful, engaging, and motivating, and let the more nourishing expressions continue to grow.


September 26


September 24