September 17

Let the rest of September be a space where you feel free to let each day be what it needs to be. And as you move forward, remember all the ways you've already been learning to be present here:

1 - You made it through yesterday, breath by breath: Even if you didn't take a deep breath, you completed breath cycles and participated in being alive. Regardless of what happened or didn't, it was a day you were present for, and it matters.

2 - You gave yourself permission to practice letting go: Even if you don't think you did it perfectly, remember that it matters that you're trying. And even if you can't fully let go at first, any loosening of the tension is a step that matters.

3- You found joy, even if fleeting: There are times when joy seems out of reach, and then there are times when you're surprised by something small that reminds you of its depth. Remember these moments. These small moments of joy are brief but have the potential to grow. It matters if you feel that joy, even slightly. That's how you practice being present.

4 - You're discovering how life can be fulfilling even in small ways: If there have been times in your life when you thought you needed a certain list of things to find something that made life feel fulfilling, be proud of yourself for learning to be present right there. Whether you're cooking with music on, opening the windows to let in some fresh air, or simply noticing the warmth of the sunlight as it moves through the sky and shines in through the blinds, you're finding ways to notice what might be beautiful and meaning and come alive right here.

So, here's to letting the rest of September be what it needs to be by remembering that through it all, you've been learning to be present right here in meaningful ways


September 18


September 16