January 23

May you have experiences in your life where you feel supported by the people you are close to. May you have moments where you feel like the right person truly gets you.

And may you also know that in those in-between spaces, who you are is still valuable even when others don’t fully understand you. May you also know that there are still seeds to sow and plants that are ready to be nurtured into growth…even before the process makes sense to everyone else.

It is a beautiful thing to be able to have a moment where you can say "I’m so glad they get me" and "it’s good to be surrounded by people who understand." We shouldn’t give up on pursuing and cultivating that in our lives.

And at the same time, when the garden is still being prepared, when tapestry has yet to be fully woven, and the chapters have yet to be written, not everyone has to understand the way things are being woven together in your life for you to consider this process as valuable and worth being present to.


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