December 2
If you closely observe canyon ridges, you'll notice that, despite their ancient formations, the intricate lines and shapes change appearance with varying light and perspectives throughout the day. Even though the canyon itself is not new, our perspective of it can be new, as we learn to pay attention to all the details.
Perhaps the same is true in our own lives. There is much in our lives that isn't necessarily new, but that doesn't mean nothing is happening. There are still opportunities to get closer and discover what we may have never noticed before.
The value of small changes will be hard to fully appreciate, but it doesn’t mean that they are not there. And when it comes to the grand changes, sometimes they’re happening so gradually, it can be hard to fully understand those too.
Through all of the possible changes you could be encountering right now, may you know that as you move through life, like the shifting shadows on the canyon walls, each day contributes to a larger picture that is becoming clearer with time.