December 12

Imagine you are tuning a guitar, a process that requires careful fine-tuning between tension and harmony.

Just like this instrument, your life has strings that vibrate with the essence of being alive.

Each string mirrors a different aspect of your journey - the things you're working on, the things you're patiently waiting for, the dreams you're nurturing, the mountains you’re moving through.

When tuning a guitar, you might think about how too much tension could lead to snapping, while too little might result in a dull, flat sound.

In a similar way, in life, you might realize the importance of allowing space for adjustments in each area, to create harmony.

Maybe you don’t have to get everything exactly, perfectly right all the time.

Maybe you are allowed to look for places in your life where there is room to slowly adjust.

Maybe it’s okay if it takes time and adjustment for things to find their melodious form.

Just like guitar-tuning requires close listening, in life, you may recognize your own limits and strengths, subtly adjusting and focusing, just as you would carefully tighten or loosen each guitar string.

And even in situations where the strings are no longer working, they can be replaced. This life, this instrument… can still make music.

Of course, the “tuning” of our own lives is more complex than guitar strings; however, perhaps what we can still learn from this metaphor is the art of patience and careful adjustment, recognizing that each small change contributes to a greater harmony.

Sometimes being kind to yourself sounds like this:

“I am tuning in more. I recognize my capacity. I focus on doing the best I can.”


December 13


Like the flame, love may look differently in various stages and phases of life. It adapts, changes form, and thrives within the spaces we create for it